Full Name: Randy Maude Email Address: maude_r@a1.wdc.com Mission Name: BattleDrome 1.0 This is my first attempt at a level. It began as a multiplayer anarchy-only level, but grew robots a while later. The main purpose of this level is to slaughter other players. That's it. It may, however, be played and enjoyed as a single-player or robo- anarchy level as well. Enjoy, and drop me a line with comments or suggestions: maude_r@a1.wdc.com I'm sure there will be other levels that follow, and hopefully, they'll get progressively better. Many thanks to Achim Stremplat for his awesome work on DEVIL. I can't wait for the Windows version! Also, many thanks to the people at Parallax, and Interplay, for without them, my lunch time at work would be awfully boring. Randy Maude aka Sniper